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Everyone wants to look their best on the day of their wedding. Both bride and groom put an enormous amount of time and effort in planning the details of the big day – from the flowers, to the vows, to choosing each song for the reception. One aspect often not considered for the big day is your oral health. With a wedding being a highly photographed and publicized event, it’s important that your smile is bright and in tip-top shape. We are happy to partner with you in planning your wedding day smile treatment plan. We offer a variety of treatments and procedures to enhance your smile both cosmetically and in the healthiest way possible.

Maintain Your Oral Health

We recommend a dental cleaning as the first step in your plan. This removes normal plaque build-up and freshens your breath. Set an appointment well ahead of time so you’re guaranteed a spot before your wedding day that works with your schedule. Cleanings typically last under an hour.

White Wedding Smile

Tooth whitening is a great pre-wedding option for couples who are unhappy with the color of their teeth. An in-office appointment is a quick and effective solution to discoloration. The appointments last about an hour, and typical results are up to eight shades whiter. This is much faster than at-home whitening which requires daily 30-minute sessions. However, there is the convenience factor of being able to whiten your teeth at home when it’s most convenient.

brush and tooth paste

Quick Smile Fix

Nothing ruins a romantic day like feeling self conscious about chipped teeth. You’ll be the center of attention all day, and it’s important that you feel your best, most confident self. Dental bonding is a great option for fixing small chips and tooth gaps. The bonding adheres to the tooth becoming a seamless extension of it. Bonding is a quick and convenient procedure done in a single visit, usually lasting about an hour.

Wedding Day Smile Makeover

If you’re looking for a dramatic change, veneers provide a complete smile makeover. Able to fix multiple problem areas at once, veneers can change the shape and color of discolored and unsightly teeth. These thin, semi-transparent shells are custom made porcelain pieces set over your teeth. The length of the procedure depends on the number of veneers and typically requires two to four visits. Be sure to plan at least three months in advance from your big day for complete treatment.

Missing Teeth?

We can fix that before your big day as well! Dental implants are a great permanent option for filling in the gaps of your smile. An implant is a natural functioning and looking “tooth” crafted from a titanium root and porcelain crown. Dental implants take time and planning, so seek treatment 6- to 18-months for a full recovery before your wedding day. The procedure itself typically lasts a couple of hours, and requires multiple pre-surgery and post-surgery visits.

Dental implants

Don’t let your smile hold you back from fully enjoying your wedding day. With sufficient planning, you can have your best smile in time for your big day. Whether you’re interested in a simple dental cleaning or more complex cosmetic treatment, we’re here to support you in achieving your best smile for your happiest day! Call and schedule today