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Time flies. We’re almost halfway through 2018. Which also means it’s the start of graduation and wedding seasons. How confident are you with your smile? It doesn’t matter if your big day is in weeks or months there are steps to take now.

Have you ever thought about getting a smile makeover? The first thing someone notices about you is your smile. It can be as complex as restoring missing teeth, or as simple as correcting uneven, chipped, or cracked teeth. Teeth whitening is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures and can be done in a single visit.

Cosmetic dentistry is generally the new kid on the block. With advancements in technology, cosmetic dentistry came to life in the 20th century. The focus is to create beautiful natural looking smiles.

What Is a Smile Makeover and What Can It Do for Me?

smile makeover improves the appearance of your smile using one or more cosmetic procedures. It’s completely customized for you and the smile you desire! If you need a quick fix, bonding might be for you. Bonding is a tooth-colored composite resin to fix chips, fractures or small gaps. It can even be used to make your teeth appear longer.

Women using VR Tech

Veneers are another option. Custom made and placed over your crooked, discolored, or chipped front teeth, they are thin and durable to give you a more aesthetic smile. Usually, it will take a couple visits to complete and lasts anywhere from 10 to 20 years, fixing multiple issues with a single procedure.

Do You Have Missing Teeth?

Dental implants could be your best option for a complete smile. Implants are metal posts that fuse with your jawbone to help avoid that sunken jaw look. After they are in place a crown is added on top. Implants look and feel like natural teeth. While this procedure can only be done if you have healthy gums and enough bone for support, we can help with this. They are permanent and it’s important to maintain good oral habits to preserve them.

Looking for a Straighter Smile?

If your teeth are crowded, misaligned, or you have an overbite or underbite orthodontics may be the best route for an aesthetic smile. You have a few different options, traditional metal braces, Invisalign or Clear Correct. Invisalign and clear correct are clear removable aligners that straighten your teeth. Unlike traditional braces, these clear trays are removed while you eat and brush your teeth! Don’t let your age discourage you from getting your perfect smile! We offer adult orthodontics.

What Can Help Discolored Teeth?

Does the color of your teeth make you self-conscious when smiling for photos? The food and drinks you consume may be the reason your teeth aren’t sparkling white. Coffee, tea, berries, and sweets are just some examples of what can stain your teeth. Did you know whitening is the most requested procedures in cosmetic dentistry? It can be done at home or in our office and can possibly make your smile up to 8 shades brighter!

smile with confidence

You deserve to have the self confidence to share your smile big on your special day! Don’t over think what you should or shouldn’t do, give us a call or request an appointment online and let’s discuss your best smile options together.