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Todd Ealy


Dr. Todd Ealy brings over 22 years of clinical experience and a passion for patient-centered care to Mallard Cove Dental. He earned his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from the University of Tennessee College of Dentistry in 1993 and has since dedicated his career to providing high-quality, comprehensive dental care.

Originally from Tennessee, Dr. Ealy relocated to Georgia in 2022 with his wife after their son graduated from high school. This move allowed them to support his wife’s career while also exploring new business opportunities. Now, he is excited to continue his work in dentistry as part of the Mallard Cove Dental team.

Dr. Ealy has extensive expertise in cosmetic dentistry, implantology, and oral surgery. He has a special interest in complex reconstructive and comprehensive dentistry, ensuring that each patient receives personalized care tailored to their unique needs. His commitment to staying current with advancements in dental technology and techniques allows him to provide the best possible treatment options.

Outside of the office, Dr. Ealy enjoys spending time with his family, exploring new opportunities, and staying active in the community. He looks forward to building lasting relationships with his patients and helping them achieve healthy, beautiful smiles.

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